Even as a child, landscapes were my favorite photographic subject. My Dad got me interested in photography, when I was vey young. He built his own darkroom, enlarger, 4x5 view camera, contact printer, etc. We used to roll our own film, expose, develop, and print the resulting pictures. We even developed our own color slides.

My formal education is in Physics, Electrical, and Computer Engineering. Degrees in these subjects secured me a job, which allowed me to travel over much of the Western United States for many years. Many of the pictures on this web site were taken during this travel.

Almost all of these images are captured on Fuji Velvia, using 6x7 (medium format) or 6x17 (panoramic) cameras. The film images are precision scanned at very high resolution, usually resulting in file sizes exceeding half a gigabyte per image. The digital files are tweaked in Photoshop, and archival prints are then produced from these files using a pigment printer.

These prints are available for sale.